Saturday, November 10, 2007

Plan writing is one form of technical writing.

Technical writing can be a very difficult skill to master but one which is required in order to write a good implementation plan that meets the standards generally required.
You have probably all read manuals and directions that were very difficult to follow and hopefully some that were easy to follow. When you read something that explains “how to” do something such as putting a bike together, running a computer program, operating your car stereo system or even a cook book, that is usually technical writing. As with most cook books, it often assumes a certain level of understanding on the part of the reader.
College students often spend most of their college career trying to figure out how to make their paper longer in order to fill a required number of pages. They learn to write in five or six pages what a good technical writer may write in one paragraph. There is a place for lengthy descriptions and sometimes even for vague and imprecise communication; however, case notes, reports to the court, and implementation plans almost always require technically accurate, precise and parsimonious writing.
Some of us are not great technical writers (including myself ). It is often helpful to have someone read and edit your work. I find it easier to edit other people’s writing than to write it myself. I also find it helpful to have others edit my writing when I write. Usually two heads really are better than one. All of this may require more time and I understand the pressures on time and billing; however, better preparation almost always saves time in the long run and almost always provides better outcomes. Preparation is also generally required by some rule or regulation.
Technical writing should never be a mystery. It must be clear, complete and concise, and easily understood by others, both professionals and nonprofessionals.

To continue with this information click here: One example is the story about the Turkey, the Cannon, and the Airplane

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