Note: Everyone has strengths/assets. The key is to locate, develop, integrate, and enhance, existing assets, being open to the possibilities. This can also require a shift in thinking. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong, one must spend more energy looking for what is going right. Instead of spending most of your time finding and recognizing problems, you must refocus your thinking towards solutions. It is usually easier to strengthen an asset than to eliminate a deficit. Amazingly, deficits often decrease or even disappear as assets are developed. An asset or strength based approach appreciates that the glass is half full, asks why it is half full, and then finds ways to fill it even more. This is not a suggestion to hide your head in the sand and ignore deficiencies, which sometimes must be addressed (for example suicidal or unsafe behavior). This is a suggestion that WHAT WE FOCUS ON INCREASES. Spend more time on the positive (or Assets), quickly deal with the deficits when it is required, and you will be amazed at how much more quickly the positive (Assets) increases.
Try this exercise. Picture a cow. Perhaps a friendly looking black and white Holstein. Think about all the things that come from cows. Milk and other dairy products, leather products and anything else associated with cattle.
Set a timer for one minute and then time yourself and do not think about anything to do with cows. Don’t think about milk or cheese or any beef products. Don’t think about anything to do with cows or cattle for one minute. Go ahead and try it.
Click on comments and tell us how you did. Were you able to do it? If you were, how did you do it? There is a common thread for those who are able to do it.
Click here to continue with the presentation: Let's discuss data and statistics
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