Monday, November 12, 2007


Goals should be positive, and logically tie back to both formal and informal assessments. Many goals will have multiple objectives.

“Because goals are projected over long periods of time they are written in broader terms but they should still be written as observable and measurable behaviors. Verbs such as demonstrate, be able to, increase, develop, decrease, or complete are all the kinds of behaviors that can be observed and documented. The person writing a plan would then convert broad goals into statements of instructional intent (measurable behavioral objectives)”.
Idaho Intensive Behavioral Intervention Student Manual, developed by the Idaho Training Cooperative.

One more note, be consistent in numbering goals and objectives. Goal 1, Objective 1b should always be goal 1, objective 1b even if it is accomplished and no longer being persued, trained or worked on for this individual. Those numbers should not be used again for a differen goal or objective for the same individual/plan.

To continue with this presentation click here: Measurable Behavioral Objectives

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