Saturday, October 23, 2010

Autism: The right intervention for the right child

Fortunately we now know enough about Autism to know which children are most likely to benefit from intensive interventions and which types of interventions provide the most benefit for the child, considering: age of child, specific Autism Spectrum diagnosis, functioning level of the child, and willingness of the parent(s) to be active participants in treatment.

In many cases intervention can be provided for even less than $10,000.00 per year. Sometimes significantly less. If the right intervention is provided for three years to the child best suited to benefit from that intervention by a well qualified therapist properly implementing the intervention with active and continuing participation by the parent, government will literally save hundreds of thousands and in some cases even millions of dollars over the life of the child; plus it’s the right thing to do for the child and family. It’s the right thing to do fiscally, therapeutically, and humanely.
If it is the wrong intervention provided by poorly qualified interventionists without active parental(guardian) participation and without well written contextually mediated objectives, it is a disservice to the child, family, and taxpayer.
Depending on the type of intervention, the time spent by the parent can be either time set aside to specifically work on the intervention, a part of the parent and child’s typical routines, or a combination of both.
The right intervention for the right child, correctly implemented, will provide significant improvement in both functioning level and behavior.
More specific detailed information, references, and resources can be found at: and some additional linked websites.

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