Saturday, May 31, 2008

Writing a Plan for Problem Behaviors

When writing an ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) or similar plan, the following worksheet may be helpful. (This is specific for children; however, it would be similar for adults.)
Plan Writing Work Sheet
Complete all that apply. In most cases all will apply.

What is the problem behavior? ________________________

What is the function of the problem behavior? What benefit is the child getting from this? Remember that the same problem behavior may derive different benefit in different settings. ____________________

Measurable Behavioral Objective:

1. Whose behavior is being modified? (name of child) _____________________________________________

2. What behavior do you want to increase or initiate? ______________________________________________

3. What is the cue that will tell the child that it is time to do the behavior? _____________________________

4. How will you know that the objective has been met? _____________________________________________

How will you show (data) that this has been met? _________________________________________________

What is the current baseline for the desired behavior? (Don’t know, is unacceptable. Trials should be run

during the comprehensive, functional assessment or previous therapy) _____________________________________________

What is the reinforcement for the child if the child completes the desired behavior as prescribed? _________________________________

What will be the reaction of the therapist (or parent) if the child does not do the desired behavior within the

prescribed time? ____________________________

What additionally will be done to prevent the problem behavior? _____________________________________

What will be done to minimize aversives in this interaction? _________________________________________

What will be the next steps in this objective? _____________________________________________________

How will this skill (behavior) be generalized? ____________________________________________________

Could any therapist or the parent pick up the plan, carry it out and collect data as required without any additional background or discussion? Yes ____ No ____

Additional resources for a Functional Behavioral Analysis:
Functional Behavioral assessment FAQ

To continue with this information click here: The DEAD MAN (or WOMAN) test

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